
Lawyers (0-5 years) or Solo, Non-Profit, or Government


Attorneys admitted to practice for 5 years or less, or solo/small firm attorneys as well as attorneys who work for the government or not-for-profit organizations benefiting the public, judges, prosecutors, public defenders, assistant attorneys general, academic faculty, etc.

Lawyers (5-10 years in practice)


Attorneys with 5-10 years of experience

Lawyers 10+ years in practice


Attorneys with 10+ years of experience

Other legal professionals


Retired/inactive attorneys, paralegals, office managers, legal assistants, legal secretaries, litigation support services staff, legal recruiters, law firm marketing staff, etc.

Law Students


Current students in law school

Member Benefits

  • Directory

    Free listing in QLaw’s online member directory so prospective clients can more easily find you

  • Resources

    Access to QLaw’s extensive resources developed for LGBTQ Washingtonians, attorneys, voters, and more

  • Education

    Free and reduced rate QLaw-sponsored CLEs throughout the year to continue your education in community

  • Networking

    Free QLaw networking events across the state to connect with judges, attorneys, and other legal professionals

  • Mentorship

    Free participation in QLaw’s mentoring program as a mentor or mentee

  • Discounts

    50% off membership in the National LGBT Bar Association, reduced ticket price for QLaw Annual Banquet

  • Job Board

    Free access to our Job Board to connect with employers interested in LGBT diversity and inclusion

  • Engagement

    Opportunity to participate on QLaw committees, including our Judicial Evaluations Committee


  • Membership is open to any individual supportive of our mission and goals, regardless of LGBT identity, who is (a) an attorney duly admitted to practice law in the State of Washington or another state and not currently suspended or disbarred, (b) another legal professional, or (c) a law student.

  • Many employers, especially law firms, may pay or reimburse your membership dues. Don’t be afraid to ask! They may want to show their own support through sponsorship and promoting that their workplace is affirming and inclusive.

  • Membership lasts for one (1) year and starts on the date that you register.

  • Members are no longer automatically added to the Directory upon membership sign-up. Please submit this form to have your information added.

    *QLaw Board members review and update the Member Directory quarterly. Please be advised that your information will not be immediately added after your submission of the form.

  • Yes.

    To remove your information from the Directory, submit this form.

    To make updates to your information, please email